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Conservative Dentistry

The ultimate goal of conservative dentistry is healthy, beautiful and functional teeth. Conservative dentistry is the foundation of dentistry and is based on diagnosis, prevention and treatment of caries.

Dental caries is an infection caused by existing bacteria in the oral cavity and food residues. By feeding, bacteria consume food (sucrose), and as a result of this process they produce acids that reduce the pH of the teeth. Acids in such cases damage the tooth's eye by creating cavities. Then the dentist cleans the area of the tooth where the caries are located all the way to the healthy part of the teeth. Surface caries are removed by fluoride, while deeper lenses are mechanically removed or removed by a dental drill. After removal of the caries, the tooth must be filled with the appropriate fill. The fill can be single, double or triple, which depends on the size of the caries.

Konzrvativna stomatologija

  • Composite fillings

    Making fillings is a minimally invasive treatment, used to reconstructed (upgraded) parts of teeth affected by caries, that must be removed or the smaller parts of teeth broken by trauma. In our clinic the filling are made out of composite materials (the so-called "white fillings"). Composite fillings have almost completely pushed the amalgam ("gray seal") out of the use. They bond micro-mechanical and chemical with the hard dental tissue so that, with appropriate selection of color and type of composite material, and by imitating natural morphological shape of each tooth, it is possible to achieve perfect aesthetic and functional result.

  • Ceramic Inlays

    If the tooth has slightly more extensive damage, it is necessary to consider the possibility of making indirect ceramic restorations (inlays, onlays). We say indirectly, because (unlike directly made composite fillings) it is manufactured in a dental laboratory based on an impression taken at the office. After being manufactured in the laboratory, it is returned to the office, where it is cemented into the cavity of the tooth. Due to the quality of the material from which it is made, it is functionally and aesthetically superior to composite fillings.

  • Endodontics

    Endodontics (Root canal treatment) is the branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment of pathological processes in the dental pulp. Dental pulp is located in the pulp chamber, in the center of the tooth and it gives the tooth its vitality. It is necessary to treat the pulp when it is infected, or dying due to penetration of the bacteria and their toxins into the tooth’s interior (mostly because of untreated caries or dental trauma). Inflammation of the pulp can be manifested by severe pain, but sometimes the dying pulp tissue can occur slowly and painlessly, due to slow progress of inflammation. Endodontic treatment includes: cleaning of pathologically changed pulp from the pulp chamber and root canals, their expansion (with special instruments), disinfection and definitive filling of root canal. In our office we also use Apexlocator, the apparatus that accurately determines the length of the canal and thus enables an even and accurate filling of the channel up to the root’s top.


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In dental office Eurodent, will welcome you with a smile and attention, and you will feel comfortable and safe. After many years of experience we are proud of the large number of satisfied patients. We continue to keep our reputation and satisfied patients are our best recommendation.